Guangdong University of Technology-Expomics Research Team

近日,基于广州市环境催化与污染控制重点实验室资助下的合作研究项目,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队与南京大学黄蕾教授团队合作的题为《The exposures and health effects of benzene, toluene and naphthalene for Chinese chefs in multiple cooking styles of kitchens》的学术论文在Environment International (2021, 156:106721)杂志上接受发表。论文的第一作者为黄蕾教授,通讯作者为安太成教授。该研究重点关注厨师这一职业暴露人群,选取了三种经典的中式烹饪风格蒸、炸、烤的厨师作为研究对象,对烹饪过程中排放的几种典型芳香烃(苯、甲苯和萘)的外暴露和内暴露水平、健康风险评估和影响等进行了系统分析研究。研究结果为厨师工作环境的职业暴露的健康评估提供数据支撑。



Graphical Abstract:


Commercial cooking has higher intensity and more severe instantaneous cooking pollution from volatile organic chemicals compared to home cooking, making health risk assessment of occupational exposure for chefs a priority. In this study, chefs from three cooking styles of kitchens, including steaming, frying, and grilling, were selected to investigate the external and internal exposures, health risks and effects of several typical aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene and naphthalene). Naphthalene was found to be the most concentrated contaminant in air samples among the different kitchens, while benzene had the lowest concentration. The concentration of toluene in frying kitchens was significantly higher than that in steaming kitchens. Air concentrations of toluene in frying kitchens, as well as benzene concentrations in grilling kitchens exceeded the standard level according to indoor air quality standard (GB/T18883-2002). Regarding the metabolites of pollutants in urine, the content of S-benzylmercapturic acids (S-BMA) for frying chefs was significantly higher than that for other cooking styles of chefs, which was consistent with the relatively higher air concentrations of toluene. There was a good correlation between internal and external exposure of the pollutants. The level of oxidative stress was influenced by 2-hydroxynaphthalene (2-OHN) and S-BMA, indicating the potential health risks of these occupational exposed chefs. This study indicates the need to improve the monitoring of typical aromatic hydrocarbons, as well as to investigate their potential health effects in large-scale groups, and improve the ventilation in kitchens.


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