Guangdong University of Technology-Expomics Research Team
我院张卫平博士等在Environ. Sci. Nano上发表《苯系物VOCs在多孔碳上的吸附-脱附机制及其排放控制和资源回收》的综述性论文

近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队题为《Adsorption and Desorption Mechanism of Aromatic VOCs onto Porous Carbon Adsorbents for Emission Control and Resource Recovery: Recent Progress and Challenges》的学术论文在Environ. Sci.: Nano (杂志上接受发表。论文的第一作者为张卫平博士,通讯作者为安太成教授。该综述从工业过程苯系物VOCs的排放特征出发,详细阐述了苯系物VOCs在多孔碳材料上的吸附-脱附特征和机理,并系统陈述了吸附-脱附过程中吸附质与吸附剂之间的相互作用机制、吸附剂的失活过程及关键原理等,并仔细总结了基于吸附-脱附原理的集成技术在VOCs排放控制和资源化回收方面的应用。最后,该综述论文还对典型工业VOCs在排放控制和资源化回收实践等方面的发展机遇与挑战提出展望,希望能够为工业废气中VOCs高效的排放控制技术和资源回收技术提供有价值的参考。



Graphic Abstract:


As is universally acknowledged, the fast advances in industrialization and urbanization have caused the rapid increase in the emission of aromatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which has results in not only much environmental pollution and human health hazard, but also a significant waste of resources. Under such circumstance, it is urgent that some scientific strategies should be adopted to eliminate or reuse those VOCs. Two important strategies of VOC emission control are adsorption and dynamic desorption on porous carbon adsorbents (PCAs), which help to capture valuable VOCs or remove unvalued VOCs. In this review, the research developments of selective adsorption of gaseous aromatic VOCs onto different porous PCAs were systematically reviewed, especially in the interaction mechanism between adsorbates and adsorbents during the adsorption process. Besides, the critical influential factors for the desorption of aromatic VOCs onto PCAs are also discussed, and the mechanisms focused on deactivation and regeneration of PCAs associated with the interaction mechanism of adsorbents and adsorbates are presented. Finally, the integrated process based on adsorption and desorption for emission control and resource recovery is carefully summarized. Overall, this review expounds the characteristics of adsorption and desorption of aromatic VOCs on various PCAs as well as the integrated technologies for emission control and resource recovery of industrial VOC exhaust. We hope this work can lay the base for the efficient abatement and recovery technologies of VOCs from industrial exhaust.


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