Guangdong University of Technology-Expomics Research Team

近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队在电子垃圾拆解工人皮肤暴露的有机磷阻燃剂(OPFRs)及其甲状腺激素效应方面取得最新研究进展,研究成果以《Handwipes as indicators to assess organophosphate flame retardants exposure and thyroid hormone effects in e-waste dismantlers》为题发表在Journal of Hazardous Materials(2023, 443: 130248)期刊上。论文的第一作者为博士生唐僭,通讯作者为安太成教授。该工作首次报道了利用擦手样品来评估电子垃圾拆解工人皮肤接触的OPFRs对其体内甲状腺激素的影响,探讨了电子垃圾拆解区人群皮肤暴露途径的OPFRs与人体内暴露水平及其甲状腺激素水平之间的相关性。相关研究结果为OPFRs暴露对甲状腺激素的影响提供了新的见解,并通过强调皮肤暴露途径对电子垃圾拆解工人暴露研究的重要作用提供了非常重要的基础数据。


皮肤暴露被认为是有机污染物暴露越来越重要的暴露途径。然而,关于皮肤接触的数据有限,特别是关于其健康效应的研究数据。本研究评估了电子垃圾拆解区不同工种的职业暴露工人和周边成年居民的擦手样品中有机磷阻燃剂(OPFRs)与体内负荷之间的关系,以及探讨了皮肤暴露于OPFRs对体内甲状腺激素(THs)水平的影响。研究发现磷酸三苯酯(TPhP)是擦手样品中检测到的含量最多的化合物,在电子垃圾烤板工人、电子垃圾拆解工人和周边成年居民中的中值浓度分别为1180、200和24.0 ng。在电子垃圾拆解工人中,擦手样品的TPhP水平分别与配对血清TPhP水平和尿液磷酸二苯酯(DPhP)水平呈正相关。在控制性别、年龄和吸烟情况的多元线性回归模型中,电子垃圾拆解工人擦手样品中的TPhP水平与血清中的三种THs:反向3,3',5-三碘-L-甲状腺原氨酸(rT3)、3,3'-二碘-L-甲状腺原氨酸(3,3'-T2)和3,5-二碘-L-甲状腺原氨酸(3,5-T2)的水平呈显著负相关。这些结果表明:擦手样品可以作为非侵入性暴露指标,用于评估电子垃圾拆解工人皮肤接触TPhP的体内负荷和对甲状腺激素水平的影响。本研究强调了OPFRs通过皮肤暴露对人体THs内暴露水平影响的重要性。



Dermal exposure is increasingly recognized as an important pathway for organic pollutant exposure. However, data on dermal exposure are limited, particularly with respect to the health effects. This study evaluated association between organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs) in handwipes and internal body burden on workers and adult residents in an electronic waste (e-waste) dismantling area. The impact of dermal exposure to OPFRs on thyroid hormones (THs) served as a biomarker for early effects. Triphenyl phosphate (TPhP) was the most detected compound in handwipes, with median levels of 1180, 200, and 24.0 ng in people identified as e-waste bakers, e-waste dismantlers, and adult residents. Among e-waste dismantlers, TPhP levels in handwipes were positively correlated with paired serum TPhP and urinary diphenyl phosphate (DPhP) levels. In multiple linear regression models controlling for sex, age and smoking, TPhP levels in handwipes of e-waste dismantlers were significantly negatively correlated with three THs used to evaluate thyroid function: serum reverse 3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine (rT3), 3,3'-diiodo-L-thyronine (3,3'-T2), and 3,5-diiodo-L-thyronine (3,5-T2). These findings suggest that handwipes can act as non-invasive exposure indicators to assess body burden of dermal exposure to TPhP and health effects on THs of e-waste dismantlers. This study highlights importance of OPFR effect on human THs through dermal exposure.

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