Guangdong University of Technology-Expomics Research Team

近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队在国际期刊Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology上发表题为《A critical review of environmental exposure, metabolic transformation, and the human health risks of synthetic musks》的综述论文 (。论文的第一作者为博士生罗娜,通讯作者为安太成教授。


合成麝香(Synthetic musks,SMs)因具有芬芳气味,被广泛添加于各种日化产品中。由于其大规模的生产和使用,SMs在环境样品和人体生物样本中被广泛检测到,促使人们近年来越来越关注SMs对人体健康的影响。本综述概述了SMs的人体外暴露途径和人体内部暴露水平,还强调了SMs的生物转化机理。经文献分析,发现与呼吸和口服暴露途径相比,皮肤接触是SMs暴露于人体的主要途径,占SMs人体每日暴露总量的82-93%。穿透皮肤屏障后,SMs会被真皮吸收,可能会进一步引起皮肤刺激。而关于SMs人群内部暴露水平的报道,约一半的研究都关注于母乳中的SMs,这表明孕妇和婴儿等易感群体可能正面临一定的暴露健康风险。本文中SMs的健康效应现状是根据现有数据和我们计算毒理学预测的结果进行协同评估的。根据现有数据分析,SMs可诱发内分泌紊乱和诱变毒性。我们计算毒理学结果首次表明了SMs对心血管系统存在一定的负面影响。同时呼吁大家更加严谨对待关于SMs健康影响的实验研究结果,因为大多数情况下,实验研究的SMs有效毒性剂量通常大于实际环境浓度。在对SMs研究进展分析的基础上,本综述还提出有必要在未来关注长期低剂量SMs暴露与人类健康不良结果之间的关系研究。



Synthetic musks (SMs) have been widely used as fragrance ingredients in various daily consumer products. Due to their mass production and usage, the presence of SMs has been reported in environmental and human biological samples, raising global concerns over human health effects. This review outlines the current knowledge on human exposure pathways and internal exposure to environmental SMs. The biotransformation of SMs in humans is also highlighted. Compared to exposure through inhalation and oral ingestion pathways, dermal contact from SMs-containing personal care products is the dominant pathway, accounting for 82–93% of total human SMs daily exposure. After penetrating the skin barrier, SMs can be absorbed by the dermis, causing potential skin irritation. Regarding internal human exposure, around half of the limited studies focused on breast milk, indicating considerable risks for vulnerable global populations (e.g. pregnant women and babies). The health effects of SMs are assessed synergistically based on the existing data and our calculated toxicological predictions. SMs could induce endocrine disruption and mutagenic toxicity according to historical analysis of data. Our computational toxicology data suggested negative impacts on the cardiovascular system for the first time. However, caution should be applied when interpreting adverse health effects using the available data, as the effective toxic doses of different SMs in laboratory studies were greater than actual environmental concentrations in most cases. Based on an analysis of research progress, this review also proposed the need to study the relationship between long-term low-dose exposure and adverse human health effects in future research.

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